Welcome to Bugsy!

Bugsy is a tool that allows you to programmatically work with Bugzilla using its native REST API.

To use you will do

import bugsy
bugzilla = bugsy.Bugsy()
bug = bugzilla.get(123456)
bug123456.status = 'RESOLVED'
bug123456.resolution = 'FIXED'

Installing Bugsy

To install Bugsy, simply use pip or easy install


pip install bugsy


easy_install bugsy

Using Bugsy

Getting a bug from Bugzilla

Getting a bug is quite simple. Create a Bugsy object and then get the bug number that you want.

import bugsy
bugzilla = bugsy.Bugsy()
bug = bugzilla.get(123456)

Creating a new bug

To create a new bug, create a Bug object, populate it with the items that you need and then use the Bugsy object to put the bug into Bugzilla

import bugsy
bug = bugsy.Bug()
bug.summary = "I really realy love cheese"
bug.add_comment("and I really want sausages with it!")

bugzilla = bugsy.Bugsy("username", "password")
bug.id #returns the bug id from Bugzilla

Searching Bugzilla

To search for bugs you will need to create a Bugsy object and then you can call search_for and chain the search. The Search API is a Fluent API o you just chain the items that you need and then call search when the search is complete.

import bugsy
bugzilla = bugsy.Bugsy()
bugs = bugzilla.search_for\

More details can be found in from the Search class


Getting comments from a bug

import bugsy
bugzilla = bugsy.Bugsy()
bug = bugzilla.get(123456)
comments = bug.get_comments()
comments[0].text # Returns  "I <3 Sausages"

Adding comments to a bug

import bugsy
bugzilla = bugsy.Bugsy()
bug = bugzilla.get(123456)
bug.add_comment("And I love bacon too!")

To see further details look at:

Indices and tables